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Small Room Collective is a mobile mercantile & gallery space. We feature art, pressed vinyl, apparel and small goods from independent makers and shakers, as well as vintage clothing and goods gathered on our travels across the U.S.A.—connecting 90+ indie makers, shakers & artists since setting sail at SXSW in 2013.

Our tried and true fully mobile 1963 Airstream Globetrotter, affectionately known as Bob Mapplethorpe Getaway Driver, functions as a gallery-shop-by-day and a studio-home-by-night and is available for pop-ups, events, and more.

    Our initiative is to connect with the cities we travel through, the venues and movements we are greeted with, and the people we get to meet. Learn more → 

    Are you a small retailer, independent designer or an artist looking for greater exposure? Contact us at info[at]smallroomcollective.com.

    George's Picks

    Some picks from George to you.

    Field Notes

    Must Travel: Boonville, CA

    July 05, 2016

    For a tiny town with a wee population of just over 1,000 people, the one-bar(The Buckhorn Saloon) hamlet of Boonville, CA is quite the charmer. Boonville bursts with loads of natural beauty, a unique jargon(Boontling), and more friendly folks than the heart of Texas. A popular getaway for California city-dwellers, San Franciscans can roll up in a little over 2 hours. With a charming main street, numerous farms, vineyards and tasting rooms, the Anderson Valley Brewery, the ole wise Redwoods hovering nearby, and sun and shade drenched shadow play across picturesque landscapes with plenty of room to spread your picnic blanket, and of course the beloved Boonville Hotel, it is a verdant hiatus away from your everyday. With just enough... Continue Reading →

    Up Next: Boonville Hotel Pop-Up

    June 06, 2016

    Join us at the charming Boonville Hotel this Thursday - Saturday June 9-11, 2016! If you aren't able to come, be sure to check the hotel out online here, and put this on your mental list as one of your must-go places! Be sure to mention Small Room Collective for a extra special rate on your stay when you call to book! Continue Reading →


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